Yesterday (21st of March) was the International Day of Forests and perhaps the small Monkey troop in our area in Rajagiriya decided to celebrate it belatedly by making a visit very close to our balcony today morning. This family of monkeys consist of (probably) Father, Mother and an infant together with another adult (altogether 4 members). Today is the first time they were seen together this close, few yards from our balcony. They were expertly walking on electric wires and hope they will not get electrocuted.
I believe these are the Western Purple-faced Leaf Monkeys named among 35 worst threatened primates of the world. Having an infant is giving hope that they continue breeding and survive if we will not further destroy the remaining tree cover, but sadly their remaining habitats are fast diminishing. So I dedicate a thought for their survival on this year's International Day on Forests to remind the importance of keeping the trees for these #UrbanWildlfie to survival..!!
(Would like to know other areas closer to colombo that the Purple-faced Leaf Monkey still survives.... So please share your observations...!!)
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